Philosophy Lectures:
"An eye-opening lecture on philosophy, human development, and some ideas on why we act the way we do - us modern humans."
- Eva Terp-Hansen, Vice Principal at North Jutland Sports College, April 2015
"A dizzying tour full of wonder about what we have the hardest time understanding: What is it really - to understand? At AOF Brøndby, the desire to ask questions was great, and Henrik Schøneberg is a very credible storyteller."
- Rolf Hoff Hansen, lecture organizer, AOF Brøndby
"A super exciting and educational lecture that sets off a lot of new and old thoughts!"
- Søren Kastrup, student, geography (University of Copenhagen)
"It was a really good initiative... Judging by the participation and the desire to ask questions, it's something we want more of."
- Henrik Krog-Jensen, letter to the editor in Breeltenyt (Newsletter for the Breelteparken Care Center)
Veterinary Industry:
"Henrik Schøneberg gave an excellent lecture at an experience-sharing meeting for equine veterinarians in Zealand under the title "Good Client Communication for Equine Veterinarians". Henrik gave a very inspiring and educational presentation and got everyone to participate in the debate. Henrik was able to document his theses, which supports his messages. We can only recommend Henrik Schøneberg to solidify the value of good client communication in everyday life for everyone who deals with this field in their daily work."
- For the Experience Group for Equine Veterinarians, Zealand, Michael Steglich-Petersen, secretary
Business Counseling:
"Hi Henrik,
Thank you for your email.
We also thank you very much for your efforts. I think we got exactly what I was hoping for. Your insight into the subject allowed us to get a competent answer to all our questions, including your philosophical approach and presentation. I am sure that in the future, it will be a day that gives rise to debates throughout our organization. Regarding future collaboration, I am quite sure that we will draw on your expertise. Once again, thank you for your lecture.
Best regards, Kent Schneefeldt, Jensendiesel Aps