

Book review - The joy of crowds
New Humanist, winter edition 2024

Book review- Developing Communication Skills for Veterinary Practice (Danish review of American book)
The Veterinarian (Page 26-27), 31. maj 2024

Report from the workshop AI360 Copenhagen
Human Brain Project (European Union), September 2019

From Ape to Man & Beyond
Philosophy Now, June/July 2019

AI in the Year of Blade Runner
New Humanist, February 2019

Thales Day: Celebrating Philosophy and Science 
Transcript of talk delivered at the Cambridge Festival of Ideas, October 2017

How Solar Eclipses Illuminate the Marvel of Science
Wired, August 2017

No One will Bet against Science on August 21st
Real Clear Science, August 2017

The Clients Mental State (In Danish)
Danish Veterinary Journal, Maj 2017 

Bad Arguments that Make you Smarter
Philosophy Now, July 2016

The Anniversary of Rational Thinking is Today (Danish)
Christian Daily, May 2015

Thales - The Philosopher who Changed the World, Maj 2015

Become a better listener - (Danish)
The Veterinarian, November 2014

Communication is the Future of Veterinary Medicine (Danish)
Danish Veterinary Journal, May 2014

Near-Death People (Danish)
Social Critique, February 2014


Music and Honesty - Lecturementary with pictures and music from Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2017

A Broader Perspective - Documentary on philosophical wonder and the nature of existence

The Birth of Reason - On the origin of philosophy and science - from the Round Tower observatory in Copenhagen, May 28, 2015

Practice-oriented Philosophy in Health Care - An example of practice-oriented philosophy and a suggestion on how to improve the health care system. Recorded at the Danish Philosophical Society's annual congress, March 5th, 2021